Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2)

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Getting StartedOverviewUse CasesStrengthsLimitationsLearning Type

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Model Overview

Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2) is an advanced segmentation tool developed by Meta AI, extending its predecessor’s capabilities to real-time image and video segmentation. It leverages a transformer-based architecture with a memory module for processing dynamic content, allowing it to accurately track and segment objects across video frames. SAM 2 was introduced in 2024 and trained on the extensive SA-V dataset, enabling it to handle a wide range of tasks with minimal user input.

Model Documentation

Use Cases

Popular Use Cases

Video Editing & Media: SAM 2 excels in creative industries by simplifying complex tasks such as object removal and background replacement in both images and videos. Its real-time processing allows seamless video editing, enabling users to work efficiently across multiple frames​.

Scientific Research: SAM 2 has been deployed in various fields like medical imaging and environmental monitoring, where precise segmentation is crucial. For example, it can help track changes in tumors or monitor deforestation using satellite imagery​.

Autonomous Systems: The automotive industry benefits from SAM 2’s ability to detect and track objects in real time, enhancing the safety and precision of autonomous driving systems​.

Augmented Reality (AR): SAM 2’s capacity for tracking objects in real-time makes it ideal for AR applications, blending digital and physical worlds more effectively​.

Dataset Annotation: SAM 2 speeds up dataset labeling by automating object segmentation, saving valuable time for AI researchers and developers​.


  • Real-Time Processing: SAM 2 processes up to 44 frames per second, making it suitable for real-time video editing, AR, and robotics.
  • Promptable Segmentation: The model allows for user prompts (e.g., clicks or bounding boxes) to guide segmentation, reducing manual work.
  • Unified Approach: Unlike traditional models that handle images and videos separately, SAM 2 integrates these tasks, delivering consistent performance across different media types.
  • Zero-Shot Generalization: SAM 2 can generalize to new objects and scenes without additional fine-tuning, making it versatile for a wide range of applications.
  • Limitations

  • Complexity in Dynamic Scenes: SAM 2 can struggle with occlusions, crowded environments, or long video sequences where objects frequently disappear from view.
  • Memory Usage: The model’s memory module, while useful for video segmentation, can be resource-intensive, making it harder to deploy on low-power devices.
  • Accuracy vs. Speed Tradeoff: While real-time performance is a highlight, there is a tradeoff between accuracy and processing speed depending on the model version. Larger models, like the "Large" version, offer higher accuracy but run slower.
  • Learning Type & Algorithmic Approach

    SAM 2 is a supervised learning model based on a transformer architecture. It uses a hierarchical image encoder to capture multi-scale features, a prompt encoder for user guidance, and a memory attention module for real-time video processing. The memory module allows the model to store information from previous frames, enabling it to track objects across sequences effectively. SAM 2 also includes a fast mask decoder, ensuring efficient segmentation of both images and videos.

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